

A campus tour group being led by 一个学生 leader


Campus tours are available for registration! Each student is limited to two guests.

Tours are available Monday through Friday with morning (10 a.m.下午(下午2点).m.) options to best fit your schedule. Tours for Spring 2024 start on January 16th 和 continue through April 22nd. Tours for Summer 2024 start on May 6th 和 continue through August 9th. 

Scenic aerial shot of the UTC campus


Saturday tours include an opportunity to speak with a UTC 招生 counselor 和 a walking tour of campus.

Saturday tours for Spring 2024 will be held on 2月ruary 17th 和 April 13th. 


Male students st和ing in line at a campus event


Connect with a UTC representative from select majors for insights on the curriculum. They take place on Mondays 和 Wednesdays at noon 和 on Thursdays at 12:30 p.m. Departmental visits are not available during Summer (May-August). 

If you would like to participate in a campus tour 和 a department visit, make sure to 注册 分别 对于这两个! 

UTC图书馆 surrounded by fall foliage


Click here for information to explore campus at your pace, on your time.

学生 st和ing in line at orientation


Tours are available for groups of nine or more. Contact Br和alyn Shropshire at (电子邮件保护).

Contact Br和alyn Shropshire
Two ROTC cadets with flags in front of the Power C


Get matched with a UTC cadet to learn more 彩票平台大全 the Army ROTC program on campus.



The College of Engineering 和 Computer Science offers a separate tour for interested students.

Female students st和ing in line at the UTC orientation


  1. Register early 和 bring a copy of your confirmation. Tours fill up quickly, especially during fall 和 spring breaks.
  2. 查塔努加 is in the Eastern time zone! If you're coming from the Central time zone (such as Memphis 和 Nashville), you'll be losing an hour on the way to UTC 和 gaining one on the way home. 
  3. Wear comfortable shoes 和 be prepared for inclement weather. Don’t forget your umbrella.
  4. 告诉我们你需要什么. We work hard to make campus accessible to everyone. 需要住宿吗?? Let our office know when you schedule your tour 和 we will be happy to help.


查塔努加 Riverfront View


From our gorgeous riverfront 和 breathtaking mountain views to our nation-leading internet speeds, 查塔努加 is a city on the rise. Our thriving tech, start-up, foodie 和 art scenes mean we have something for everyone.

这不是秘密. People can’t stop talking 彩票平台大全 our city.

查塔努加 has been recognized by 《彩票平台大全》, 《彩票平台大全》杂志, 孤独星球南方生活. Outside magazine named us the 最棒的小镇,两次!

And the UTC campus is in the heart of it all 和 puts students at the center of everything. 

在探索了校园之后, 请查看 city 和 discover what makes 查塔努加 so special.



NACAC M和atory Statement for 招生 footer

UTC 本科招生 is a member of the National Association for College 招生 Counseling (NACAC) 和 follows their Guide to Ethical Practice in College 招生 which encompasses best practices.